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Bert Ooms's Recent Galleries

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18-Mar-2025 14:58
Melanitta nigra - Common scoter - Zwarte zee-eend
Melanitta nigra - Common scoter - Zwarte zee-eend
13-Mar-2025 18:21
Mergus serrator - red-breasted merganser - Middelste zaagbek
Mergus serrator - red-breasted merganser - Middelste zaagbek
08-Feb-2025 18:44
Exploring field and forest around my house
Exploring field and forest around my house
04-Feb-2025 18:22
Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap - Zwartkop
Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap - Zwartkop
30-Jan-2025 18:36
Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher - ijsvogel
Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher - ijsvogel
23-Jan-2025 18:29
Limosa limosa - Black-tailed godwit - Grutto
Limosa limosa - Black-tailed godwit - Grutto
23-Jan-2025 18:29
Ameland birds and more
Ameland birds and more
19-Jan-2025 18:39
Tringa totanus - Common Redshank - Tureluur
Tringa totanus - Common Redshank - Tureluur
18-Jan-2025 18:39
Vanellus vanellus - Northern Lapwing - Kievit
Vanellus vanellus - Northern Lapwing - Kievit
06-Jan-2025 18:23
Picus viridis - European green woodpecker - Groene specht
Picus viridis - European green woodpecker - Groene specht
05-Jan-2025 18:34
Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale - Nachtegaal
Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale - Nachtegaal
01-Jan-2025 18:38
Pluvialis apricaria - European golden plover - goudplevier
Pluvialis apricaria - European golden plover - goudplevier