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Profile for Bill Scull
Name Bill Scull (joined 19-Dec-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username scull
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Bill Scull has 358 galleries and 9011 images online.
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View Guestbook : 25 messages. Most recent on 17-Feb-2014.

Message from Bill Scull
Photography first became a passion for me during college when I needed a creative outlet to balance the rigor of my studies. The work of Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Richard Avedon and Diane Arbus has always inspired me. The arrival of digital photography coupled with a year-long, round-the-world, family adventure in 2001 reinvigorated my passion for photography.

Most of my images have been taken while traveling. I love capturing the mystery of people against their cultures' backdrops. I find it much easier to work in unfamiliar cultures with subjects that haven't had their pictures taken often - if ever, cultures where people still work with their hands.

My work invariably focuses on people: the wrinkles, lines or expressions that have been written into a face; the relationship of husband to wife, father to son or one to another; the clutter, artifacts or rituals that have built up around the place someone has worked or lived for a lifetime; or the care taken arranging wares at the market, clothes on the line, shoes at the door or tools on the bench.

My camera is a witness to the fullness and depth of life - to the endless set of perfect moments that stream by often unnoticed, even by the participants. I strive to capture that moment when nothing is going on but everything is revealed, when a story is told or a connection is made, when the true richness of life is revealed and when separations dissolve. My work succeeds if you understand the way of another, their circumstances or if you find yourself daydreaming about living their lives.

During the last year I have had the good fortune of photographing in Mexico, Vietnam and Cambodia, 14 countries along the Atlantic coast of Africa, and 8 countries around the Baltic Sea. I was recently a photography lecturer on cruises up the west coast of Africa and to Malta, Tunisia, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Italy. My most recent assignment was for the State of Tabasco Tourism Office in Mexico, making images to promote that region. My work is shown regularly at Gallery 9 in Los Altos, where I recently held an individual exhibition, African Colors. Last year I had an individual exhibition at the Costanoa Gallery, near Pigeon Point along the San Mateo coast. My Web Gallery can be viewed at:

A fellow photographer and I offer a series of Photographer's Eye Workshops along the California Coast. Our workshops help participants capture powerful images by focusing on the fundamentals of composition and critical technical considerations. More information:

I am an alumnus of MIT and Stanford and live with my family in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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