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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> November 2007 > Pbase Delias Squirrell on November 25 DSC_0156.jpg
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Pbase Delias Squirrell on November 25 DSC_0156.jpg

A squirrel that visits the hospice inpatient unit begging..
done with my 4 day weekend! Now onto New Orleans...

Nikon D80
1/60s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist02-Dec-2007 05:19
Nice color.
Máire Uí Mhaicín26-Nov-2007 23:43
A great capture!
laine8226-Nov-2007 17:21
An excellent capture of this cute fellow !!
Sheila26-Nov-2007 09:06
Fantastic capture! Great DoF.
Guest 26-Nov-2007 03:30
Beautiful background and great detail. V
Gayle P. Clement26-Nov-2007 01:10
You caught that fluffy tail beautifully. Enjoy your trip!
Bryan Ramsay26-Nov-2007 01:00
Great shot and there certainly are worse times to be in New Orleans! -BJ
Guest 25-Nov-2007 20:50
a beauty and wonderful colours.
Jackdad25-Nov-2007 19:56
she's balancing nicely on that rail.
Nicki Thurgar25-Nov-2007 18:17
er, ditto John - exactly what I was going to say! ;o)
JW25-Nov-2007 17:39
That's fantastic! So sharp, and the autumnal bokeh really sets him off!
ewa toll25-Nov-2007 17:35
Zak25-Nov-2007 17:05
Great catch!