Embun Pagi by Ngakan Nyoman Maesa Yuda
Tahura Samarinda by Archiaston Musamma Family
On Kalimantan fluvial highway by Jean-Gregoire Marin
Sanur Beach by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Around Yogya Town by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Pantara Island of Thousand Island Cluster Sep 2006 by Emanuel Andy
Raja Ampat - Misool by Brian McMorrow
Celebrating Lunar New Year 2008 by Ngakan Nyoman Maesa Yuda
The new side of Jakarta by Brian McMorrow
Cave Treasury Hunt , Bontang by Archiaston Musamma Family
South Sulawesi by Matthew Herschmann
2006 BALI Feb March by Rachel